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A 2nd Cold War?

With the news of Russia having drills for a mock nuclear attack or other large scale catastrophe some are suggesting we are entering a new cold war. Still others say we’re already in a 2nd Cold War (source).

Cold War is term is used to describe the relationship between America and the Soviet Union 1945 to 1980 (source). However, many believe the Cold War continued until the Fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 (source).

The Cold War was a part of my childhood. I have vague memories when I was in early elementary about discussions on what to do if there was a nuclear strike. Of course, since I lived in tornado alley then we had many more discussion on what to do if there was a tornado (and there was, many times).  By the time I was in 5th or 6th grade the Cold War was not something mentioned other than in history class.

So is this something to be concerned about now?

That’s the question I’ve been pondering the last few days.  At this moment, I feel it’s definitely something to pay attention to.  I’m not going to stop with my regular life for fear of nuclear war. We are going to continue on with our regular preparedness measures that we started several years ago. I believe those measure are important whether discussing a 2nd Cold War, tornado, hurricanes (praying for all affected by Matthew), winter storms, job loss and more.

A 2nd Cold War?

Wondering where to start with Preparedness?

Putting together an emergency kit that has food, water, necessary medications, first aid kit and a few other things doesn’t take much time. Go here for more info from FEMA.

For more in-depth items check out my Preparedness category here. A few of my favorite sites on preparedness are Mom with a Prep, The Patriot Nurse YouTube channel (I like the medical info), Backdoor Survival, and The Survival Doctor.

Homesteading and preparedness tend to be related. Many homesteading focused blogs also have amazing preparedness articles. Check out Common Sense Homesteading, Trayer Wilderness, and Traditional Cooking School.

What plans  have you made to be prepared in case of emergency?


During an emergency the power may go out. If your cook stove is electric do you have an alternate method for preparing meals? Here are two of my favorite books on this subject.

Cooking Outside ebook from my affiliate partner, Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

Cooking Outside from Traditional Cooking School


Roughing it Easy (Amazon affiliate link) by Dian Thomas.

Roughing it Easy by Dian Thomas

I use and highly recommend both of these books!

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