by Millie Copper | May 8, 2012 | food thoughts, Starting Out, Traditional Foods
We started our real food journey in January of 2009 after reading Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. I’ve have mentioned several times (so much that I probably sound like a broken record) that we made changes very slowly in order to...
by Millie Copper | Sep 4, 2013 | Around the Homestead, Life in Wyoming, Starting Out
When I first started blogging, at a simple family style blog, we were living in a 23 foot camp trailer in Northern California. The summer before that we had purchased two acres of bare land in Wyoming. Thinking it would take some time for our Oregon coast home to sell...
by Millie Copper | May 3, 2013 | food thoughts, Health, Meals, Starting Out, Traditional Foods
I’ve noticed a trend lately. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of people with opinions that their way of eating is the only ‘right’ way of eating and everything must be an ‘all or nothing’ approach. While some people might surely...
by Millie Copper | Mar 25, 2013 | food thoughts, Meal Plans, planned overs, Starting Out
Now that spring is supposed to be here we seem to be having winter. We have snow on the ground and it is pretty chilly at night time. Some of the days warm up and the snow melts off and we have a lovely muddy mess. We are hopeful that the weather will cooperate so...
by Millie Copper | Jan 2, 2013 | Budgeting, food thoughts, Starting Out, Traditional Foods
Happy 2013! With the new year here I thought it would be a great time to give an overview of our food philosophy and this blog. When I started this blog late in 2009 I struggled with a name for it. I had been writing about food on a family blog that I...
by Millie Copper | May 4, 2012 | Feeding Children, food thoughts, Health, Starting Out
I have a confession to make, I’ve been feeling a little frustrated lately. There have been several online conversations lately that have me questioning our real food journey and if it’s ‘good enough’. You see, while we do strive for a real...