by Millie Copper | May 8, 2012 | food thoughts, Starting Out, Traditional Foods
We started our real food journey in January of 2009 after reading Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. I’ve have mentioned several times (so much that I probably sound like a broken record) that we made changes very slowly in order to...
by Millie Copper | Jan 20, 2012 | food thoughts
The other day Lulu asked if she could make smoothies. I was in the middle of a project and was quite happy that she took the initiative for a snack. I figured that she would make the smoothie out of kefir since that is what we usually do. But she made it out of...
by Sierra Smith | Apr 25, 2018 | food thoughts
Mr. Money Mustache – Financial Freedom Blog Background I found this blog this month. I’ve heard of “Mr. Money Mustache” (aka MMM) before, but haven’t been an ardent follower. I’m working on a debt-free journey at the moment, having...
by Millie Copper | Sep 30, 2016 | food thoughts
In March we moved full time to our off grid cabin on 20 acres in the high desert. The last several months have been go, go, go pretty much non-stop. Our cabin is still a work in progress. We’re what I call a semi-dry cabin. We don’t have any water coming...
by Millie Copper | Jul 22, 2016 | food thoughts
It is hot, hot, hot in Wyoming! And along with hot, hot, hot we get dry, dry, dry. This afternoon we were happy to have a small thunderstorm roll in. Our happiness turned to nervousness when the straight-down lightning started. With one strike we saw the flash and...
by Millie Copper | Apr 4, 2016 | food thoughts
The last several weeks have been a whirl-wind while we’re settling in to our new home. Settling in might be a bit of a stretch. Since the home isn’t done and there is work to be done on it every day, a good portion of our household items are in a storage...