by Millie Copper | Oct 21, 2020 | 20 Acre Homestead, Around the Homestead, Homesteading
During the time I was planning and dreaming of my own small homestead, I’d scour blogs and websites looking for ideas and inspiration. When my good friend Wardee from Traditional Cooking School started her Down Home Farm Tour series, I’d anxiously await...
by Millie Copper | Mar 8, 2018 | 20 Acre Homestead, Life in Wyoming, Off Grid
We’re finishing up our second winter in our off-grid cabin. Living in Wyoming we often have rapid and frequent changes between mild and cold spells. This year we seemed to have more mild days until the last couple of weeks when it was quite chilly. Last winter...
by Millie Copper | Apr 1, 2017 | 20 Acre Homestead, Around the Homestead, Life in Wyoming, Off Grid
It’s hard to believe we’ve been living in our off-grid cabin for a year now! It’s still unfinished and there is still much to do but we’ve made some good progress and (most days) really enjoy our new lifestyle. Wood Stove Cooking Something...
by Millie Copper | Jul 5, 2017 | 20 Acre Homestead, Around the Homestead, Life in Wyoming, Off Grid, Working From Home
Hello, Friends! What a busy few months we’ve had! It’s time to catch-up on the excitement around our place. The theme for April is kids! Cute little Dwarf Nigerian newborn kids. 3 of our does became mamas once again in April. Peanut was the first to kid....
by Millie Copper | Aug 1, 2017 | 20 Acre Homestead, Around the Homestead, Life in Wyoming, Off Grid
Hello, Friends! I hope you your July has been wonderful. We had a wonderful month at our off grid farmstead. Our grandson came to visit for about a week and half. He’s just one month younger than our son. The two of them have a wonderful time together. For the...
by Millie Copper | Sep 6, 2017 | 20 Acre Homestead, Around the Homestead, Life in Wyoming
18 months. We’ve been living in and building our off-the-grid cabin for 18 months. When we were dreaming and planning for our cabin we were positive it wouldn’t take us more than a year to complete. And not just to complete the inside but to have the...