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Emergency preparedness includes planning for and responding to disasters, both natural and manmade. Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. What was once considered only for those a “little bit (or lotta bit) out there” has recently proven to be smart for everyone. The events of the last few years, months, and weeks have proven our efforts of emergency preparedness are not only wise but necessary.
We know the more people who keep toilet paper and basic foods on hand, the better for everyone. The last few years have also demonstrated that having a community of like-minded individuals in your corner is a smart part of emergency preparedness. While it’s tempting to want to keep all of our preparedness efforts completely secret, and it may be smart from a security standpoint, building an emergency preparedness community can have many distinct advantages. Being part of a like-minded community can give us a sense of belonging. It also helps us grow as we learn from and support each other.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. ~ Proverbs 27:17
Emergency Preparedness Community
Belonging to a supportive and caring community of like-minded individuals can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health, along with increasing our ability to cope with challenges. While we absolutely need to keep safety and security in mind, broaching a conversation about emergency preparedness with family, friends, and neighbors can benefit everyone.
I’m not suggesting you take people on a tour of your pantry, basement, or bunker but rather to look for opportunities to bring up the subject. Gentle reminders of the toilet paper debacle of 2020 or the (still) empty grocery shelves can be helpful. While not everyone will be interested and accepting of the idea of emergency preparedness and a prepping mindset, many will.
In a true emergency, whether caused by a natural or manmade situation, it would be difficult to survive alone. Community is important for a variety of reasons. In this article, we’ll touch on a few principles on why an emergency preparedness community is a good idea.
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together. (Proverb of unknown origin)
My little family of three lived off the grid for over three years. While we did have a small solar system so I could work from home and so we could have minimal lighting, we didn’t have running water. Our heat for our cold Wyoming winters was provided solely through wood (and still is). The bulk of the cooking was done on the woodstove, a rocket stove, Sun Oven, or grill. Without running water, we had to heat water to do the dishes or bathe. To water our garden, we harvested rainwater and used gravity to provide water, which is much slower than using a properly pressured hose.
Something we learned during this time: everything takes longer without power! Something else we learned is that living off grid and caring for homestead animals and ourselves was a lot of work. Though we had a small garden, chickens, and goats, we weren’t relying on the food they were providing. In a long-term emergency, we’d be in trouble. Working with others would be necessary to not only provide food but also firewood and a multitude of things needed for day to day survival.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor ~ Ecclesiastes 4:9
Skills and Knowledge
Not only is it important to consider the division of labor and who will do what, but also think about who has the skills needed for each task. It’s hard to know everything about everything! While my husband, son, and I have all taken basic CPR and first aid classes, I’ve been tasked with gaining extra skills and training in this department. All three of us know how to hunt and butcher our harvest, but my husband is the one who really shines in this area. Likewise, all of us are able to care for and sharpen our knives, but my son is the one who really enjoys this task and is even learning how to make his own blades.
Bringing in others to our emergency preparedness community who have skills we’re weak on is a smart move. An actual nurse or EMT, someone strong in communications such as amateur radio, a security expert, and more gives us extra knowledge. Willingness to learn from each others, while working together, is also important.
The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. ~ Proverbs 15:14
Can you provide your own security for your home and land? With only yourself and/or your family, are you able to “keep watch” 24/7? Maybe in the case of a short-term emergency you’d be fine, but what if the situation were to drag on for weeks or even months? People could become desperate. The potential for conflict will be high. Having a group you trust during a time of emergency will allow you to secure a wider area to keep your family safe.
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. ~ 1 Timothy 5:8
While many of us are completely comfortable with our own company, at some point being with others for conversation and fellowship is helpful for our mental health.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. ~ Hebrews 10:24-25
Virtual Community
While the focus of this article and an emergency preparedness community is to help you consider forming relationships with those around you, in your neighborhood and/or family, there’s also something to be said about a virtual community to learn and fellowship with during these times.
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re here for a reason. That reason may well be your own desire to find like-minded people either live and in person or virtually.
If you’re looking for virtual support and an internet friend, I hope you’ll join me on Patreon.
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