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When I was growing up, there was a Drive-In at the end of town. Have you been to one of those places? You sit in your car and a girl on skates comes out and takes your order. Then brings it out on a tray that hangs off your window and you eat in your car? No? Am I really that old? Anyway…
The only thing I ever remember eating there was a Frito Boat. mmm. Frito Boat. Just thinking about it takes me back. I liked them so much that as an adult I continued to make Frito Boats at home. Let me tell you about it;
Put Frito chips in a bowl
Top with heated, canned chili
Top with shredded cheese
Top with onions
Top with sour cream.
Simple. Easy. And so NOT GOOD FOR YOU!
But I believe that this meal is salvageable for a real/whole/traditional foods diet with just a few changes. #1- get rid of the Frito’s. #2 Make your own chili #3 Use good quality cheese and sour cream. Easy enough.
Tomorrow as part of our Super Bowl Festivities we’ll be having Frito Boats (I still call them that for the children’s sake). Here’s how we’ll make them this time;
Tonight, I’ll make some Homemade Tortilla Chips (using this recipe)
I have beans soaking and they will cook overnight in the crock pot.
Tomorrow, It will take me about 45 minutes to make the chili using the cooked beans and burger. While that is cooking; I’ll shred the cheese, mince some onion, make some guacamole (an addition that was not on the Drive-In Frito Boats) and take the (Daisy) Sour Cream out of the fridge.
While the updated version does take a little more planning ahead with soaking the beans and making chips the end results are so much better. And better for you too. That reminds me, I need to get the antelope burger out of the freezer for the chili.
Disclaimer: I have to tell you that I did pick up a bag of organic tortilla chips ‘just in case’. I’ve never made the chips that I linked (I’ve wanted to several times, just haven’t yet) but I’m mostly fairly almost confident that the homemade chips will work out perfectly
And I have a confession, I don’t actually even know who is playing. We never watch football but always have a Super Bowl Party. My children love it. They love the special foods and the sitting around.
Will you be making anything special for the game?
Edited to Add: I have the chips done now and I don’t know what I was worried about. They turned out perfect. Except for maybe on small issue… I don’t think I made enough!
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