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Photo Credit: Joana Hard on Flickr
On Saturday my husband and I will be starting the 30 Day GAPS Intro Challenge that Cara at Health, Home & Happiness is hosting. I signed up for the Challenge in hopes of alleviating some food related issues that I’ve been experiencing. My husband is joining me partly as a support system but because he too has been experiencing a minor recurrence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) issues. While all of the children will somewhat be eating the same foods as we do, they are not ‘officially’ doing GAPS.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) is a book written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. You can read more about GAPS here, here or do a quick google search for tons of testimonials on how people have benefited from the GAPS program.
Photo Credit: artizone on Flickr
GAPS Introduction has 6 stages. The thing with the stages is that people move through them at different times. Stage 1 might take one or two days or five days. In some ways, this ‘not knowing’ part really challenges me. It is hard to do a meal plan not knowing if we will be on Stage 1 for only a couple of days or if it may take longer. And then what if Joe is ready to move on and I am not? Or the other way around?
Today I grocery shopped focusing on Stage 1 but picking up a few things that are approved for Stage 2. The really nice thing about each stage is it is built on the stage before. So everything allowed in Stage 1 carries over to Stage 2. The Stages start off very basic (broth, well boiled veggies and meats, animal fats) with the end result being pretty much a Full GAPS diet.
Photo Credit: bgolub on Flickr
I’m feeling mostly ready for Intro. I find myself excited and nervous. I know that probably sounds silly, after all, it’s just food. But the early stages are pretty restrictive. I wonder if we will bore of it quickly. I also wonder if I’ll be up to all of the cooking and prep involved. As I mentioned in a post from a few days ago, I’ve been feeling pretty rotten for several weeks. My energy level is low. From what I’ve read, I shouldn’t expect it to improve in the early Intro stages. In fact it may get worse (not sure that is possible). I have been prepping things this week a bit so I do have cut up summer squashes and butternut squashes in the freezer along with beef broth and I did render down some chicken and duck fats. Tomorrow I’ll prepare all of our food for Saturday (I don’t cook on Saturdays) and also for Sunday morning plus plan to cut up and freeze a good portion of the vegetables I purchased today to help with the days ahead. Cara has already been sending out emails to help us prepare for the Challenge and they have terrific tips and ideas. I am very glad that she set this Challenge up the way that she did! I expect it to be super helpful.
Anyone else doing the 30 day GAPS Intro Challenge? Leave me a comment and let me know.

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