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So far I have chicken and broth ready for tomorrow. Still to do today is make a ‘pate’ as described in this post, make a butternut squash soup (recipe from What Can I Eat Now? 30 Days on GAPS Introduction Diet), cook and mash carrots, cook broccoli and prepare dinner for tonight (hamburgers on sourdough ‘buns’ with sprouted lentil salad).

I’m hopeful that the amount of chicken that I have cooked up will carry us through mid day on Sunday but just in case I’ll take venison out of the freezer that I can use if needed for Sunday breakfast.

I think Joe is going antelope hunting in the morning so I’m not sure if that will change anything Introduction-wise for him. He walks quite a bit usually when hunting and I expect his hunger will be greater than mine. I plan to send along with him a thermos of chicken broth and meat. He is hunting just a couple of miles from home so will return mid morning and then go out again toward evening. That way he will at least be home for the bulk of his meals.

Lulu (14 yo girl) is not very happy about this. She made it quite clear last night that she does not like soups or broths (this is something new. She ate soups all last winter and never said a word. She did let me know that she would be happy to eat soup from a can…). While the children are not actually doing this with us, they will still eat the main meals. My plan is to add things for them that Joe and I wouldn’t eat (sourdough bread, rice, salads, fruit, etc) but not make entirely separate meals. An increase in broth and vegetables will certainly be beneficial for everyone.

If you are doing the 30 Day Introduction, what preps have you made to help with it?

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