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At the beginning of January, I listed a few food goals that we have for this year. I thought in order to help me to stay on track with accomplishing these goals I’d share our progress with you.
Cut down on sweets
This is going pretty good, more by default than plan. I ordered Rapadura in December from Azure Standard and they didn’t ship it. So we have been using the very small amount of Sucanat that I had left and honey plus I bought a 1.5 pound bag of organic sugar. Since we have such a small amount of sweeteners on hand it has required us to think carefully before making things needing sugar.
Increase my chicken flock so we can meet all of our egg needs
This is still in the planning stages. I have been looking at hatchery offerings. I think I know what kinds of chickens I want to add. We also decided that we are going to have some chickens for meat this year (you can read more on that in this post). In addition to deciding what kinds of chickens we need to build new housing so I’ve been exploring different options for that too. Because I like to take on more than I should, we are also considering adding turkeys and ducks.
Have a garden
Also in the planning stages. We’ve been talking about what we want to grow and I’ve been exploring ideas for watering our garden (I love the idea of using Ollas). I think we’ll do raised beds since we have one bed now that we put in last year.
Eat food that gives us the most nutritional bang for our buck
I’ve been trying to plan meals with this in mind. I try to serve one of my lacto-fermented fruits or veggies with each dinner and also either offer water kefir, kombucha or raw milk to drink. We’ve been having alot of bone broth items in soups and gravies. And I’m still experimenting with chicken liver recipes. I could use some suggestions with this one. What do you think would give us the most nutritional bang for our buck?
Daily fermented cod liver/butter oil
Still struggling with this for the girls and Joe. The girls leave so early in the morning that I often forget to dose them before they go. And then when the get home it is snacks and homework and my mind isn’t thinking about cod liver oil. Christopher gets his dose almost every day when I give him yogurt and I take mine then too.
Joe and I would like to continue with the weight loss that we have started
I’ve lost 2 pounds since the beginning of January. Joe has not reported to me if he has lost anything.
Tell me about your goals for 2010. How is it going? Are you adding more goals or adjusting your previous goals?
This post is a contribution to Real Food Wednesday hosted this week by Kelly the Kitchen Kop.
>Thanks for sharing about the Ollas! Those are really neat!
I'm not sure we have 'real food' goals for eating. Most of our goals are homesteading goals and move us in the direction of producing more of our own food. Our biggest challenge this year is figuring out if we should just focus on expanding our homestead or if we should try to sell some of our goods at a farmers' market. Last year, that seemed like such a great idea. This year, just homesteading appeals so much more!
>Chicken livers- I crumble mine into chicken salad or soups.
Stock is also a really good nutritional bang for your buck, I've been doing a lot with that to save money/increase nutrition.
>The traditional eastern european way of eating liver is to roast the livers over an open flame, then saute a ton of onions, and then blend that and the liver with salt into a pate.
Its eaten with crackers and pickles and egg salad with onions usually.
I love the Ollas but not the price so I found plans to make my own. I hope that works out.
In my mind, your homesteading goals of producing your own food go hand in hand with real or traditional food goals. You know what you are raising and how you are raising it.
Adding the livers to soup is a great idea. Broth is a big thing here too. I'm glad it's winter so we have an excuse for soups often 🙂
When you say to roast the livers over an open fire do you mean to skewer them like roasting a hotdog over a bonfire?