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Menu Plan Week of April 14

Snow Ducks!

I love spring in Wyoming! We are finally getting some precipitation which is wonderful. I am very much looking forward to green grass soon. Of course, the precipitation is in the form of snow.  On Tuesday we had around a foot in the yard. However with the wind we did have a few bare spots and several large drifts that made things interesting. Getting out to the chickens and ducks was a challenge. Check out this post from someone who lives in my area showing wonderful snow pictures.

We’re finally getting over our colds. Mine was pretty nasty. I lost my voice for several days and even after it came back I couldn’t talk without coughing. I think my husband enjoyed the quiet. Of course, the coughing was worse at night so I slept out on the couch in a propped up position in order to sleep. I still have a little cough but not like it was. Our little boy is getting well also. Lulu was the first to get this cold. She still has a slight cough after three weeks.  Due to our colds we put our visit to Joe’s parents on hold. We were supposed to go up Easter weekend. Now it is looking like it will be early May.  On Tuesday the 23rd I’m flying back to Oregon for work. I hope to be completely well before going on a plane.

I have a confession. Last week my menu plan completely fell apart.  Monday instead of meatball soup I made chili which was similar.  But Monday night I forgot to put the black beans on to soak. So I had to wing Tuesday– we had a potato and hamburger casserole.  And I didn’t bother to take a roast out of the freezer so ‘wing it’ became the theme for the rest of the week.  We had hamburger dishes a couple of nights since it thaws so quickly.  Friday night I made a delicious Coconut Chicken and Saturday I put something like a Cholent in the crock pot.  We ate well even without the menu plan but I really don’t like winging it. This week’s menu plan might look quite familiar. It is pretty much last week’s plan.

Menu Plan

Sunday- Assorted leftovers (chicken, Cholent)

Monday- Burritos made out of leftover Cholent, green salad

Tuesday- Black Beans and yellow rice, stewed tomato casserole

Wednesday-Crock pot roast, potatoes and carrots

Thursday- Rice bowls (roast beef and black beans) topped with lettuce, sour cream, shredded cheese, etc. (Shopping Day!)

Friday-Creamy Black Bean Chili (made with leftover roast), corn bread

Saturday- Antelope Stew


What’s on your menu this week?

Shared at Menu Plan Monday

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