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Sprouted LentilsThis week’s menu plan is going to be more of a guideline than anything.  Tuesday morning at 6AM I’ll be on an airplane heading for Oregon.  I need to go back for an internal audit for my machine shop job.  We are an industry standard certified shop which means we get to enjoy two audits each year. One, the internal, is a full system audit to make sure all of our processes are in place. The other is the audit that allows us to keep our certification. Two out of three years it is a half audit and the third year it is a full audit an allows us to be re-certified.

Now that you know all of those incredibly boring details the bottom line is, I get to go back to Oregon for the audits.  For this one I’ll leave on Tuesday and the audit will be on Friday. That way we’ll have a couple of days for me to go through things and check them out. Since I do not work onsite it is hard to know that everything is as it should be from afar.

My flight home is not until Sunday morning (at 6AM) so I’ll get to spend Friday evening and Saturday with my oldest girl that lives in Oregon. That is definitely a perk to attending the audits!

Since I’ll be gone, I’m sharing two menu guides. One for my family that will be here and one for my plans of eating real food while away. We’ll start with my family.

Family “loose” Menu Plan

Before I leave I’ll prepare a few things so the bulk of the cooking is done and they will essentially only need to reheat.  While they, my husband, 17 year old girl and 16 year old girl, could easily cook any meals while I’m gone time is an issue.  They won’t get home until around 8 most evenings during the week.

I will cook on Monday a roast. We’ll have that for dinner Monday night and the rest they can eat on as they wish.

On Sunday, I cooked a chicken in the crock pot. We ate some Sunday night, they’ll have the rest to eat on for the first few days I’m gone.

I precooked hamburger. I put some of it with some black beans and ‘taco seasoned’ all of it to have in burritos.  The rest I seasoned only with salt and pepper and they can use as they wish.

Today I’ll precook some broccoli and greens so they will only require a quick heat up with some fat (butter, coconut oil, ghee).  They’ll also have fresh lettuce and can make a simple oil and lemon dressing to top it.

I also made sure they have things like tortillas, bread and muffins. I intended to make yogurt but we seem to have a milk shortage lately (as in the family is drinking all of the milk so I have none for other things) so I purchased full fat plain yogurt.


My “Loose” Menu Plan

Sunday and Monday I’m home.

I leave early Tuesday. My flight is at 6AM.

I’m taking along some trail mix and a packed lunch of chicken roll ups. I’m also taking along some dry goods as a base for my meals. Once I get landed and pick up my car then I’ll shop on the way to my office to round out my meals.  When I’m working in Oregon I have a studio apartment that I stay in on-site. It is very convenient and I have a kitchen.

Tuesday night I’ll make a simple dinner based on what I find during my shopping. That day I’ll also start some lentils to soak.

Wednesday breakfast: Cold oats. Tuesday night I’ll mix together oatmeal, almonds, sunflower seeds and raisins along with a little cream.  The next morning, I’ll top with yogurt.

Lunch: I’ll pick up something while shopping that will be easy to prepare for lunch.

Dinner: Ethiopian Lentils. This is an adaptation from Slow Cooker Sprouted Ethiopian Lentils from Simple Food for Winter from the kitchen of Nourishing Days.

Thursday breakfast: Coconut flour pancakes. I prepacked all of the dry ingredients at home and will add the wet ingredients before cooking.

Lunch: Leftover Ethiopian Lentils

Dinner: I’ll pick up something while shopping to prepare for dinner plus add in any leftovers.

Friday breakfast: Cold oats (see Wednesday breakfast)

Friday lunch: I have a work lunch scheduled.

Friday evening and Saturday: After I finish work on Friday I’ll drive back to Portland to spend some time with my daughter. I’m not entirely sure what our dining plans will be.

Sunday: My flight leaves at 6AM (what is it with these early flights?).  I’m hopeful that I can find some good travel foods that will make it through TSA.  I’ll be home for dinner Sunday night.Real Food Hits the Road


If you are looking for ideas for eating real food away from home, check out my new eBook Real Food Hits the Road.


What is your favorite easy food to eat when you are away from home?

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