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Last weeks menu plan was very successful. Going back and looking at some of the old menu mailers that I had was a good idea. Oriental Crock Pot Chicken and Orange Crock Pot Beef were both delicious. Both of these are from Cooking Traditional Foods menu mailer. I do have to admit that the Orange Crock Pot Beef was really Orange Crock Pot Venison and it was a spectacular way to cook Venison (deer).
I did switch things around a bit. We didn’t have the 7 Layer Tortilla Pie. Instead, I used the pinto beans destined for the Pie and made a fermented bean paste from the GNOWFGLINS Lacto-Fermentation eCourse. I’m very pleased with that change! We enjoyed the bean paste all weekend and still have a considerable amount left. The nice thing about fermenting is that then end results usually last several weeks to many months giving us plenty of time to enjoy the creation. Eliminating one night of meals turned out okay. We had leftovers along with the bean paste, guacamole and corn chips. It almost seemed like a ‘treat’ dinner.
Breakfasts tend to be quick and easy. The girls get on the school bus at 6:30AM so their breakfast is quick. Usually Yogurt parfaits or some kind of bread/muffin (coconut flour bread lately). I often work early in the mornings on my bookkeeping job so Joe, Christopher and I have some kind of soup (a great thing we started while doing GAPS), eggs, yogurt parfait or smoothies which are very easy to put together.
Lunches are interesting. Kiki and Lulu take a cold lunch but because of their school needs it is a brown bag lunch with only throw away items in it. I have to admit that packing that kind of lunch is a bit challenging. Without a cold pack we are careful to pack shelf stable items. Often times lunch is jerky, nuts, cheese and a granola bar. Joe takes a lunch that he can reheat usually leftovers from dinner or breakfast soup. Christopher and I eat whatever we scrounge up in the kitchen 🙂
Dinners; I’ll be making a couple of Stretchy style meals this week which should help out with another full work week. A chicken cooked in the crock pot to become two meals (plus lunches) and also broth. I’ll also soak some lentils and use some of the soaked ones for Majadareh and then sprout the remaining lentils using them in a soup and then lentil patties. Once again, I utilized my supply of menu mailers and old menu plans to create this weeks plan. Except for Sunday night’s dinner, that was Joe’s request and his cooking.
Sunday- Pan fried trout, fried potatoes and butternut squash (these were cooked by Joe), cucumbers in sour cream
Monday- Out to pizza party at Sierra and Kiki’s work
Tuesday- Crock pot Roast Chicken (Cooking TF Menu Mailer), acorn squash, broccoli
Wednesday- Majadareh, green salad, yogurt
Thursday-Bombay Chicken (Cooking TF Menu Mailer), braised Caesar salad, baked sweet potatoes
Friday- Garam Masala Lentil Soup, sourdough biscuits
Saturday- Sprouted Lentil Patties with Tahini (Grain Free Menu Mailer), sauteed creamy vegetables
Photo Credit: vauvau on Flickr