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I’m happy to be back home after being out of town for work last week. My husband tells me he is extremely happy I am home! It is nice to be missed. I did find being away by myself to be quite interesting. I had a wonderful visit with my daughter before my work assignment started (she lives in the Portland area), work was very productive, and I had an interesting personal journey in those few days. I’ll share more about that in a future post all its own.

This week my youngest girl, Lulu, turns 16. It is very hard to believe that she can possibly be that age! We celebrated her birthday over the weekend due to her schedule for this week.

While you are here, be sure to enter the giveaway that is going on this week. Chaya from Pantry Paratus interviewed me for Pantry Paratus Radio and is also hosting a giveaway here at Real Food for Less Money. What’s the prize. The totally awesome popcorn popper in the picture.


Menu Plan

Brunch- Fried egg sandwiches
Supper- Out
To Do: soak oats for muesli

Breakfast- Muesli with almonds, sunflower seeds and coconut
Lunch-creamy carrot and apple soup
Dinner- Stewed venison, mashed potatoes, kohlrabi salad
To Do: make bread, make muffins, soak beans

Breakfast- muffins
Lunch- creamy carrot and apple soup
Dinner- Pinto beans, rice, sauteed green (be sure to check out my favorite pinto bean recipes and how we cook them)
To Do: Early AM put rice to soak

Breakfast-Yogurt Parfait
Lunch- creamy carrot and apple soup
Dinner- hamburger patties, acorn squash, stir fry veggies
To Do: make yogurt, soak oats

Breakfast- oatmeal
Lunch- leftovers
Dinner- bean and rice burritos
To Do: shopping

Breakfast-Eggs and toast
Lunch- bean burritos
Dinner- Chili and cornbread
To Do: assemble Cholent

Breakfast- Baked oatmeal
Lunch- Cholent
Dinner- leftovers


What’s on your menu this week?

This post is shared at Menu Plan Monday and Meal Plan Monday.

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