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It is quite cold here! We had snow and single digit temperatures over the weekend. I think it is supposed to warm up later in the week.
Last week’s menu plan kind of fell apart. Christopher came down with a flu bug Sunday night. He was sick all day Monday which meant my day was mostly spent comforting him. Kiki got sick Wednesday night. I felt bad on Wednesday and Thursday but never as sick as the children were. Meals were a bit of a challenge to keep up with. The breakfast plan was not at all followed. For lunch I made split pea soup early in the week– but I have to say, it wasn’t very good. My peas didn’t cook up properly even after soaking and being in the crock pot for many hours. I figure they must be old peas. I only have enough of those peas left for one more batch of soup but I suspect they will become chicken food (after soaking them). We still managed to have tasty dinners but slightly different than planned.
Broth and Other Nourishing Foods
We have really been trying to concentrate on nourishing foods. This post from Pat at Heal Thyself is a great reminder on getting our nourishment from the foods we eat. We have been concentrating on broth, greens, kefir, probiotic foods and coconut oil. We already have the 1 cup of beans most days but plan to focus on that and the other items over the next several weeks. I’ve even ordered nettle (along with a few other herbs recommended by our acupuncturist) and will begin adding that in. I know very little about herbs so this is something totally new for me to learn.
This Week’s Menu
This week’s plan is fairly simple. Even with last weeks illnesses I made a few things that will help with this week. We have 5 quarts of homemade yogurt so we’ll have yogurt for breakfast twice this week. I don’t need to make bread this week since I still have 2 loaves in the freezer. I will make a quick bread or two (maybe almond bread, corn bread or muffins) since those are always nice to have on hand. I anticipate having plenty of leftovers by Thursday night so that will be a leftover night. If I’m wrong, then I’ll make something quick like scrambled eggs (provided the chickens and ducks are laying!) or salmon patties. We’ll also have leftovers on Saturday night since I’ll make a big pot of soup for Friday night and Saturday lunch. By planning ahead for Saturday I can have a day where I don’t cook (woot-woot, a day off!).
Brunch- Kiki cooked! Kiki needed to make up missing cooking class. She made homemade mac n’ cheese and sushi rolls.
Supper- Chicken Cacciatore, polenta, spinach and dandilion salad with blue cheese dressing
To Do: Start antelope in crock pot before bed (for broth, Monday dinner and Wednesday dinner), soak garbanzos to make lacto-fermented hummus, start new batch of broth
Breakfast- Yogurt parfait, sourdough toast
Lunch- leftover chicken
Dinner- Antelope stir fry stew type thing plus corn cakes (using leftover polenta)
To Do: make hummus, make kraut, put black beans to soak, put barley to soak, put barely soup in crock pot before bed (based on this recipe), put oats to soak before bed
Breakfast- Oatmeal with butter and homemade applesauce (soak extra oats for tomorrow)
Lunch- Barley soup
Dinner- Black beans, quinoa, sauteed greens
To Do: Start beans early AM, put quinoa to soak early AM, make quick bread
Breakfast-Oatmeal Custard
Lunch- Barley soup
Dinner- Black bean and antelope burritos, broccoli
Breakfast- Yogurt parfait
Lunch- Barley soup
Dinner- leftover night
To Do: Start lentils to sprout for Saturday, pick up produce, groceries, start oatmeal to soak for Saturday breakfast
Breakfast-Eggs and toast
Lunch-Salmon salad sandwiches
Dinner- Taco soup
To Do: Make tomorrows oatmeal, put together tomorrow’s soup (start crock pot before bed)
Breakfast- Baked oatmeal
Lunch- Sprouted Ethiopian lentils (from Simple Food for Winter which I purchased recently in this bundle)
Dinner- leftovers
What’s on your menu this week?
This post is shared at Menu Plan Monday and Meal Plan Monday