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I thought about subtitling this week’s menu “Real Food with a Broken Hand” because that’s what’s happening here. Last Sunday I slipped on packed snow (aka ice) in our yard and hit hard. I ended up with a little bone in my right hand broken (scaphoid) and yes, I am right handed.
I’m now in a little half cast thing for two plus weeks until I go back in for another x-ray. Then I either keep to keep the half cast or get a full size cast. Praying to keep the half cast! The half cast is removable (so I can wash my hands and bathe) plus my fingers are all out so I can still somewhat do my work. You know if you’ve read my work from home story that I spend most of my day on the computer as a Virtual Bookkeeper/Assistant. The cast is clunky and I make lots of mistakes but I can still perform most of my duties– however, it does take me longer since I have to rest frequently or my hand starts feeling like it is on fire.
Joe’s taken over the milking duties. He’s only milking Cocoa since she is the only one in milk with no babies (they went to their new home the day after Thanksgiving). Caliente and Kalena we’re leaving the babies with full time so they can do the milking for us. We’re waiting until I see the doc again to decide what to do with the goats. If I have to go in a full cast then we’ll probably dry up Cocoa and let the others go until they naturally wean. If the doc says I’m healing well then hopefully I’ll get the half cast off soon and we can keep milking.
Joe’s also had to take over most of the cooking/food prep. I can’t hold a knife so cutting and chopping is out. I can’t unscrew a jar which makes it hard to even get a glass of milk. I’m very happy about our heat and eat bin, but since I can’t use a can opener I can’t even prepare food from it. At least it is stuff that goes together quickly at meal times. During the day it’s just me and our little boy at home so Joe makes sure to leave food that I is easy for me to get at (and he loosens the milk jar). Last week was challening since we were not at all prepared for this. This week we’ve taken some time on Sunday to prepare for the week.
Joe picked up a few things while he was in town getting Lulu (she stayed over with a friend) and then we did a Sunday afternoon cook-up. I love this idea of preparing meals for the week. The eBook Well Fed does a great job of sharing how one couple cooks most of their food on Sunday and then reheats at meal time during the week. I’m not an affiliate of this book, just a fan. You can also read some great meal prep ideas on the blog. While the book is written to follow a Paleo diet, the concepts work well for any style of eating.
Here’s what we made in our cooking session:
2 pounds of ground beef- browned with onions
2 pounds of game sausage (a mix of antelope and venison that we spiced) turned into patties for lunches
A whole chicken (cut in pieces) and stewed in sauce (something like this only using beef broth instead of wine and cream added at reheating)
“Bourbon” Venison (from this recipe only using antelope)
Rice (enough for two meals)
Crocodile Nuggets (for lunches)
Baked: Sweet potatoes (then peeled and mashed), a spaghetti squash (and shredded) and beets ( peeled and cubed)
Steam sauteed: Greens (a mix of kale and beet) and cabbage with fennel
Prepared: Salad greens, sliced peppers, cucumber, broccoli and mayonnaise. I’m super excited about the mayo. Our chickens were on strike and we finally got one egg so I was happy to be able to make mayo again.
Started: A crock pot of broth using the turkey bones from Thanksgiving that were stashed in the freezer.
It took quite awhile do it all. Somewhere close to three hours. Joe had to do all of the chopping, patty forming and things that needed two hands. My forte was stirring things on the stove top and ‘supervising’. We’ll have enough food until Thursday. Friday we’re planning a simple soup for supper and Joe will help me with any needed prep in the morning. Saturday I’m leaving open since Joe is home on that day.
Menu Plan
Sunday – Bourbon Venison, rice, green salad with yogurt/fennel dressing
Monday- European Hot Plate (formula from Well Fed eBook) with ground beef, cabbage and spaghetti squash
Tuesday – Stewed chicken, Beet salad, mashed sweet potatoes
Wednesday- Chinese Hot Plate (formula from Well Fed eBook) with ground beef, sauteed greens and spaghetti squash
Thursday- Leftovers
Friday- Soup of some sort
Saturday- Unknown….
What’s on your menu?