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This week I am going to sort of be winging it. Joe is on vacation and we plan to do a few day trips of some sort which leads me not really sure what each day will bring. My meal plan for the week will be rather loose.

To help me with meals I cooked a brisket and a stewing hen in the crock pot (not together :-), I have bread started which will be two loaves and a loaf worth of flat bread, I’m going to get some muffins started, cook up a double batch of rice, hard boil a dozen eggs and also take some ground beef out of the freezer.

My thinking is that these items can be either meals at home in the form of Skillet Dishes (GNOWFGLINS Fundamentals eCourse has an entire lesson devoted to creating skillet dishes. It is brilliant) or can be made into sandwich items or other To Go type foods. We did already eat some of the brisket last night as something resembling tacos. It was delicious.

Breakfasts will be our usual fare of eggs and toast or pancakes or yogurt or something similar. I have to admit that not having a real meal plan in place is challenging for me. I like to know exactly what I need to do when I need to do it. But I think for the plans of the week this makes the most sense. Plus, it will be good for me to try to wing it, right????

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