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Last week was spring break for the public schools here. The girls were both out of school and Joe was off by 4:30 each day. Kiki did work all week at her job so I still didn’t see her much. It was nice having supper earlier each night. Even so, it was a busy week. I had two Structural Integration appointments, a meeting for the non-profit board I am on to help us figure out money (always fun), an acupuncture appointment, many hours working on a new eBook, and my usual work schedule. This week school is back in session, Joe won’t be home until 7:30 each night, and I have a few less appointments (still have an SI appointment and an acupuncture appointment). I’ve shared before how menu planning each week helps me with getting our meals on the table. It is extremely helpful on busy weeks!
I was thinking tonight about how planning has always been something helpful for me. During a time that I worked a full time job outside the home I wardrobe planned. Each Sunday night I would plan my daily wardrobe for the week and hang everything for each day together. I’d include shoes and often even jewelry. It really helped with my time crunched mornings. I did not menu plan during that time since I very rarely cooked– during that time we ate dine-out, take-out or frozen. Now my daily wardrobe requires zero planning since I work from home and my ‘uniform’ consists of some sort of lounge pants and T-shirt with socks and zero jewelry. Now most of our meals are cooked from scratch and menu planning is something I find necessary. Funny how things change.
Spring must be here. Our chickens and ducks are once again giving us eggs. I think we got close to two dozen yesterday! You’ll be seeing a lot more eggs in our menu plans over the next few weeks. Our weather still doesn’t entirely feel like spring. While we do have some nice days some are still cold and windy.
Menu Plan
Sunday- Chicken Fry Antelope, Fried Potatoes, Sauteed Greens (Joe cooked)
Monday- Skillet Dish with Antelope, Pinto Beans, Rice and whatever else sounds good at the time
Tuesday- Goat Stew
Wednesday- Eggs in Marinara over Millet
Thursday-Stewed Meat Curry, Basmati Rice
Friday- Design a Stew
Saturday- Joe will cook something for our little boy and himself. The girls and I are going on an overnight “girls outing” along with my older girl that lives here in town.
What’s on your menu this week?
This post shared at Menu Plan Monday.