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Almost halfway through September already. Where does the time go? I remember reading once that time seems to go faster as we age. Soon I’m sure my years will just be zipping by. We are somewhat into our routines here. Kiki attending public school and now also involved in the school play. She catches the bus at 6:30AM and is not finished with play practice until 6PM. Joe is working his school time shift of 10:30AM to 7PM, Sierra is doing temp work and almost always has an assignment (which works well, since she picks up Kiki from school) and Rico is working one full time job and one part time job. Lulu is home with me each day doing Virtual school and I think we are getting this all figured out. Of course, I figure just as soon as the routine is going well it will be changing. Sierra will be leaving to go back to college in less than two weeks it sure has been nice having her here.
B- Toast
L- Subway
D- Leftovers
To do: start broth, soak beans
B- Buckwheat Pancakes
D- Pinto Beans, rice, fried zucchini
To do: Broth, PM- soak oats, start pear butter in crock pot
B- Oatmeal
D- Chili and corn bread
To do: Errands, bread
B- Sourdough Pancakes
D- Bean, Rice and Cheese Burritos, cortido, salsa
To do: AM start tortillas
B- Corn Meal Mush
D- Elk Butterfly chops, red potatoes, sauteed squash
B- French Toast
D- Sourdough Pizza
To do: AM start pizza crust
B-Baked Oatmeal
D- Salmon Patty Sandwiches, glazed carrots