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Millie's Menu January 08, 2018 |

The second week of January and my second menu plan for 2018. I’m on a roll!

I loved having a well-thought out plan last week for our food. It really made things so much easier. I’d forgot just how much I enjoyed knowing what I would be making from day to day. My husband and son liked it also. They both asked questions like “what’s on the menu for breakfast?”

We did have a slight change to last week’s menu. I came down sick and couldn’t bare the thought of food for a few days. I ended up moving meals around. You’ll see some items from last week’s menu this week since we didn’t get to them.

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Our little guy and Sierra (my daughter and blogging mate) had birthday’s recently which we celebrated on Saturday. I took advantage of the trip into the “big city” to do a quick grocery stop for produce and other perishables. Since we are 45 minutes from the nearest town we often go a few weeks without buying groceries. Fresh produce feels so decadent!

Truly, it can be a challenge to not shop every week. Added to our times between shopping trips is the fact that instead of a full-size refrigerator we have a dorm size because of the draw a full size would have on our solar power system. So when we shop we load up our little fridge and a small cooler.

We put heartier produce in the cooler like; carrots, celery, cabbage, parsnips and turnips. Tender items go in the fridge. Then as we empty the fridge we move the cooler items over. By the time we’re scheduled for another shopping trip we have often went through all of our fresh produce (and likely most of our cheese) and are enjoying frozen items. We do plan for this by buying up frozen fruits and veggies on our shopping trip.

Trim Healthy Mama

You’ll see letters after our meals. These are references to Trim Healthy Mama meals which is a huge help in balancing my hormones and working on the middle age spread that has hit both Joe and me.

Our schedule; Monday through Friday my husband works a split shift. He works several hours early morning then comes home for breakfast about 8:45. He leaves again around 11 am and returns at the end of his day around 5:30. We have breakfast together, my son and I eat a light lunch early afternoon, and we all enjoy dinner together. Because Joe’s been up working for several hours our breakfast sometimes looks more like a lunch or dinner. He takes snack foods for lunch such as boiled eggs, cheese, cooked meats.

Note: THM separates fuels so we don’t eat carbs (E meals) with fats (S meals). Our son doesn’t need to lose weight or balance his hormones. While he eats the same meals as we do his become Crossover (XO) meals by adding additional healthy fats to E meals and helpful carbs to S meals.


Breakfast: Super Prepared Purist Grains — Steel Cut Oats (E) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Good Morning Grains
Lunch: Leftover Wipe Your Mouth BBQ (venison instead of chicken) over rice (E) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Crockpot Meals
Dinner: Bunless burgers with a BIG salad (S)


Breakfast: Venison steak and eggs with sauteed spinach
Lunch: Hard boiled egg whites stuffed with salmon salad, sourdough English muffins (E)
Dinner: Nacho Stuffed Peppers with a side salad (S)


Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach (S)
Lunch: Cowboy Soup (E) ** I had this leftover from last week and stashed it in the freezer
Dinner: Roast with Raishtoes and Gravy, side salad (S) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Crockpot Meals


Breakfast: Super Prepared Purist Grains — Steel Cut Oats (E) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Good Morning Grains
Lunch: Sriracha Egg Salad (S)
Dinner: Dreamy Chicken Lazone over sauteed cabbage ( for Joe and me, potato for C)  (S) from Trim Healthy Mama’s Trim Table Speedy Skillet Meals


Breakfast: Egg white omelet (E)
Lunch: Just Like Campbell’s Tomato Soup with chicken (S)  from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Quick Single Soups
Dinner: Sushi (E — with lean fish and plenty of veggies. I’ll skip the cream cheese and avocado but J & C will enjoy these as an XO)


Breakfast: Super Prepared Purist Grains — Steel Cut Oats (E) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Good Morning Grains
Lunch:  Waldorf Cottage Cheese Salad (E) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Quick Single Salads
Dinner: Burrito Bowl (E)


Brunch: THM Breakfast Casserole (S) from Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook Good Morning Eggs
Dinner: Roasted chicken, Caulitatoes, some kind of salad based on whatever fresh greens are still edible

What’s on your menu?

Learn how to get the most nutrition from the foods you eat! You’ll love the books from Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS


 Millie Copper (Homespun Oasis) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking


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