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Quite often on Sunday or Monday I put up our menu plan for the week.  This week my menu plan isn’t much. Lulu, Little Boy and I are on the west coast. Last week we were in one spot while I worked. This week we’ll be on the road a bit while we travel to visit with family and friends.  We intend to be home by Friday.

Usually when we are on a road trip I still follow some sort of a menu plan. However this week will be different. We’ll be staying with family a couple of days and was told to expect to have a potluck one evening with additional family over to visit. Another day we’ll be with more family and staying at a hotel.  Not really knowing what to expect each day does make planning a bit harder.

With those things in mind, my menu plan consists of a dozen hard boiled eggs (that I cooked while in the studio apartment provided by my work), a couple of cans of salmon (brought along), some dried fruit (also brought along), and fresh blueberries & cherries picked while in Oregon.  I know there is a very nice market with fresh (organic) meats in one of the N. Cali towns we will be staying. I’m thinking I’ll pick up a couple of things that I can cook up to put in our cooler for the return trip home while there. Even with trying to pay attention to my eating this past week, I’m having some tummy troubles that I’m sure are food related.

For this week, we’ll be winging it. Hopefully it will go well!

Since I don’t have a menu plan to share with you, I’ll share a few photos.  I apologize for the quality. My daughter took them with her cell phone.


This is my oldest and my youngest on the carousel.


This is a picture of the house we used to live in when we lived near the Oregon Coast.  The new owners have planted lots of flowers and the place looks very nice.


This is a slough near where we lived. Once we went on a kayaking trip and took this waterway out to the Columbia River. That was a very fun day! Then the wind came up and storm started in. We couldn’t paddle hard enough to get our kayaks to move! Thankfully the guide radio’d her husband who brought a ‘big’ boat and ‘rescued’ us.

I hope that you have a wonderful week!

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