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Real Food Hits the RoadAre you planning to hit the road for a family vacation?

Want to take a road trip but the idea of eating out three meals a day doesn’t work for your budget or your health?

Would you like to continue with a real/whole/traditional style of eating while away from home?

Love the idea of eating real food on the road but don’t want to be chained to the stove while on vacation?


Real Food Hits the Road will be your guide to saving the budget, keeping your digestion working well and enjoying real food away from home while letting you enjoy the trip and not ‘cook’ all of the time.


Real Food Hits the Road is not just a cookbook, it is a tutorial in making real food simple and enjoyable while away from home.

Written from a Weston A. Price Foundation Dietary Guidelines prospective, the first third of the book will take you through the planning process that will allow your family’s trip to be real food friendly. My family has a goal of 85% real food (following the WAPF guidelines) while at home and continue with that goal while away from home.  By not requiring 100% perfection we’re able to accommodate for any meals out plus times when our location prevents finding exactly what we would eat at home.

Even if you don’t need to stick with a strict style of eating while away from home, Real Food Hits the Road will help you make choices that will lessen any dietary disturbances you may encounter by using just a few simple suggestions.  Travel and good eating does not have to be an all or nothing approach. I share my favorite suggestions that require minimal time and effort.


Real Food Hits the Road $7 (PDF format, 140 pages)

To order your eBook please email millie at homespunoasis dot com for assistance.

Want an entire meal plan for a two week family vacation? This eBook has you covered.  I share our full menu plan for two weeks on the road while staying in a variety of lodging options.

Real food on the road is quite easy to accomplish in a hotel with a kitchenette. But what if your hotel only offers a mini-fridge?  Or maybe absolutely forbids cooking? Our two week menu plan includes all three options. Plus I offer a detailed section on different types of lodging and ways to provide real food meals in those situations.

Maybe your family vacation will be a camping trip. One section of the book is dedicated to camping ideas and includes an actual 10-day menu plan we used. We love to camp and find preparing meals in the open air to be quite wonderful.

Whether you would like to prepare all of your meals yourself when away or just add in a few nutrient dense foods this eBook is for you.

Road Trip Muffins

Table of Contents for Real Food Hits the Road

Information, Budgeting, Tips, Ideas and More

  • How We Do Real Food
  • Family Vacation Planning
  • Impromptu Trips
  • Packing for a Road Trip
  • The Lists
  • Assorted Ideas and Random Thoughts
  • Accommodations and Meals
  • Dining Out
  • Planning the Menu
  • Supplies and Utensils
  • Advance Preparations
  • Snack Bags
  • Dry Goods/Emergency Bag
  • Restocking

Marinated Quinoa Salad


Food Suggestions and Menu Plans

  • Menu Plan for Two Week Road Trip
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Breakfast Recipes
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Lunch Recipes
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Supper Recipes
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Desserts and Snacks
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Basic Recipes
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Food Packing Lists
  • Two Week Menu Plan: To Do
  • Two Week Menu Plan: Shopping Lists




  • Camping Road Trip
  • Camping Road Trip Menu Plan

Multnomah Falls Oregon


  • Additional Ideas and Recipes

Image Credits
Recipe Index
How to Use this eBook
Meet the Author

Real Food Hits the Road $7 (PDF format, 140 pages)

To order your eBook please email millie at homespunoasis dot com for assistance.

How to Use this eBook

An eBook is an Electronic Book, a book length publication in digital form.  This eBook is in PDF form and contains many clickable links. The clickable links will be underlined. These links will take you to websites for more information or recipe. Unless I am adapting or changing the preparation of a recipe I link directly to the original author’s recipe.  Leaving this book in the electronic PDF form will allow you to click on these links.  However, you are welcome to print the eBook for a physical copy.  You can also print specific pages such as just printing the menu plan pages or the recipe section by designating the page numbers prior to printing. I’ve read that PDF eBooks can also be sent to some eReaders. Refer to your readers’ specifications for details.

Other eBooks available here.

Design a Dish


Thrifty Food Plan Experience


3-D Cover by Starlene

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