by Millie Copper | Dec 27, 2011 | Cooking, Recipes
Taco Soup is a delicious way to finish off a pot of beans. Usually, by the end of my bean pot, there are still some beans in it with quite a bit of the cooking liquid. Since I cook the beans in broth this is still a very nutrient-dense liquid. We’ve talked about...
by Millie Copper | Jan 9, 2013 | Cooking, Recipes
At my house red beans is an all encompassing term for any red bean (I know, obvious). These could be the large red kidney beans or smaller red beans. I tend to alternate on which I purchase. I’ve also found that other than size there is not a huge amount of...
by Millie Copper | Jul 24, 2023 | Cooking, Recipes
Wondering how to cook lentils? In this article, I share how to cook lentils the easy way, as well as how to sprout lentils. I also share several of my family-favorite recipes. This article was originally published in December 2011. I did not grow up eating lentils....
by Millie Copper | Feb 11, 2010 | Cooking, Recipes
Garbanzo beans were not something I ate growing up. In fact, my garbanzo bean experience was a few times in salads! Several years ago, I found a blog called Lentils and Rice (the blog is no longer available) which totally changed my relationship with not only garbanzo...
by Millie Copper | Mar 19, 2023 | Cooking, Recipes
This recipe was originally published in May 2010. I love finding new ways to use my sourdough starter. When Joe mentioned that it had been a while since we had Navajo Tacos, I decided it was time to play with the Frybread recipe that is the basis of these tacos. Have...