Taco Soup

Taco Soup

Taco Soup is a delicious way to finish off a pot of beans. Usually, by the end of my bean pot, there are still some beans in it with quite a bit of the cooking liquid. Since I cook the beans in broth this is still a very nutrient-dense liquid. We’ve talked about...

Meat Potpie

I have mentioned in a previous post that one of the things I often do is prepare a meal that can be remade into future meals. Such as making a roast one night, the next night taking the leftover roast and making a casserole, and possibly the third night making a stew....

Food Processor to the Rescue!

So I have to admit, there is a good chance that this post will be of benefit to no one but myself. But I’m going to share anyway because possibly, maybe, perhaps there is another person out there with a freezer full of antelope and venison that may really need...
How to Make the Best Beef Short Ribs EVER

How to Make the Best Beef Short Ribs EVER

  I have a confession, each month when I pick up my beef CSA order I rapidly tear into the bag. I can’t wait to see what surprises await me. We get 10 pounds of beef each month as part of our 1 share order. Usually I get some hamburger and maybe a roast but...

Sort of Goulash, but not Really…

Do you need a dish that you can put together in almost no time with zero advanced preparation? Here is a dish meets that criteria.  This is definitely one to add to your ’emergency meals’ list. At my house, we call this Goulash.  We call it Goulash because...

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