Taco Soup

Taco Soup

Taco Soup is a delicious way to finish off a pot of beans. Usually, by the end of my bean pot, there are still some beans in it with quite a bit of the cooking liquid. Since I cook the beans in broth this is still a very nutrient-dense liquid. We’ve talked about...
Design a Casserole

Design a Casserole

A few weeks ago I mentioned how I like to use a formula for making muffins. Having a formula as opposed to a recipe allows me a little freedom to develop the muffin with whatever ingredients I have on hand, want to use up, or get creative and mix up a new flavor plus...
Brown Rice Sushi

Brown Rice Sushi

We love Sushi. For years and years when we lived in Oregon we went out for sushi on a regular basis. I hate to think how much money that we spent eating sushi out over the years. I had no idea that it was so easy to make at home. Fair warning; I’m sure that the...
Red Beans: Cooking and Favorite Meals

Red Beans: Cooking and Favorite Meals

At my house red beans is an all encompassing term for any red bean (I know,  obvious).  These could be the large red kidney beans or smaller  red beans. I tend to alternate on which I purchase. I’ve also found that other than size there is not a huge amount of...

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