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Something I’ve been thinking alot about lately is Self Care.
I get pretty busy and forget about tending to my own personal needs in the process. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who does this! This can be extremely detrimental. I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase “if mama ain’t happy, no one is happy”. Sad but true at my house. Working from home can really compound the need for self care. While I love working from home, it does have a few challenges and I can find myself overwhelmed. Taking care of our own needs is extremely important. Being stressed out can delay healing or lead to new health issues.
What do you do when things are crazy busy for you and you start feeling the effects of that situation?
Often times, all I need is a quick break. Weather permitting, I go outside and see my chickens and ducks. It is amazing how a quick visit with them will help with my stress. Christopher (age 3) really likes those kind of breaks also. He loves to give them a little grain as a treat.
Another thing that helps my stress is just stepping away from my project and doing something with Christopher. Coloring, play doh, or playing a matching game with cards is always fun.
Something we used to do but not as much any longer is tea time. When the girls would get home from school we’d have tea and a snack. I don’t know why we rarely do that now but I think it is something we need to return too. We all enjoyed it.
This might sound silly, but I’ve found that when I need to ‘step away’ sometimes going in and ‘freshening up’ puts me in a whole new place. Brushing out my hair, washing my face and brushing my teeth almost make me feel like a new person.
If someone else is around (to keep an eye on Christopher) and I really need a break I’ll give myself a time-out and go to my room for a bit. I don’t necessarily do anything special during that time other than lay on the bed and relax. I find that to be very helpful. An actual nap would probably be nice too but that is rare.
Time permitting, a hot bath and a fiction book is my favorite break. I tend to read the same fiction books over and over which almost seems like a visit with an old friend. I find that very relaxing.
Sometimes we just need to get away.
As those of you have livestock or animals know, getting away can be a challenge but is very worth it. Sometimes we only manage a night away and even that is terrific. Two summers ago we managed a one night camping trip. It was short but we all still talk about how great it was. Last summer we took off for 10 days when my oldest daughter graduated college. We turned that into a camping road trip which was great fun. This summer we have another road trip planned that we are all looking forward too. Finding a reliable house sitter (or two) is what makes these getaways possible. Of course, with all of the arrangements needed to be gone long term that can increase the stress and require more of the short self care items!
What kinds of things do you do when things get crazy? How do you Take it Easy?
I feel the same way. I like to weed and water my flower beds. I don’t know why, but I find that relaxing. And getting away is great, too!
I hate to admit that I’m not very good at weeding. I do like watering though. If you ever run out of weeds over at your place you can pop over here. 🙂
Why does it always seem like I have more weeds than time?
I wish I found weeding relaxing, lol – instead, it tends to make me frustrated. I love a long, long, bath with a book, or hanging out with my chickens. Sometimes just sitting out on the deck doing nothing but watching the birds, insects, and plants helps me to gain better perspective.
Too often, I find myself “chained” to my computer, doing stupid, pointless things. There’s much to be done elsewhere, and I feel better when I’m being productive.
I tend to hate housework, but when everything is super-cluttered and looking crappy, sometimes cleaning a room up and making it look better makes me feel better, too.
It really is important to take care of ourselves, even those of us who work from home or are full-time at-home moms!
Long, long, bath as in the water went cold? That’s my kind of bath! 🙂
I agree with Wyoming……a LLLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGG bath!!! By the time I get out, I’m almost sick because I have gotten the water sooo hot!!! What part of Wyoming are from? I grew up in Greeley, CO. I now live in Indiana>:) I do miss not seeing the mountains every time I would look west! I think a hear home calling my name for the 4th this year.
We are outside of Casper. We have a beautiful view of Casper mountain which makes me extremely happy. What I miss most after moving here from Oregon is the trees. While there are trees on the mountain, there aren’t many trees right where we live.