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 This past week I didn’t do any kitchen experiments or extras due to being busy with my bookkeeping, our personal taxes and the sniffles that have affected almost all of us. Christopher and I were up the better part of the night a few nights while he was feeling bad. I’m happy to report that he slept the entire night last night and I think it did us both good.

Creamed Onions with Thyme and Sage

One delicious dinner last week was Creamed Onions over Boiled Potatoes. I was amazed at the flavor of it and it was a super simple dinner. I used dried herbs instead of the fresh called for in the recipe but it was still wonderful. The only downside to the preparation was the tears that resulted from peeling and chopping 4 onions!

Coconut Duck Soup
Coconut Duck Soup based on a recipe from Nourishing Traditions was delicious (tastes delicious but is not very photogenic). I had planned it as a full meal but realized that it wasn’t substantial enough for us to be a meal so I made a Savory Sweet Potato Custard (based on a recipe from Jenny at Nourished Kitchen while she was doing her food stamp challenge. Click here and scroll down to Acorn Squash Custard) to have also. We had the soup in mugs since it is very thin.
Stuffed Peppers is usually something I make in the summer when peppers are in season and very cheap. But we celebrated Joe’s birthday and he wanted Stuffed Peppers for his Birthday Dinner. I’ve made stuffed peppers many different ways over the years but this is my favorite. It is super simple and always turns out very good. It is basically little meatloaves cooked in a pepper half. YUM!
What’s been Twisting in your kitchen this week?
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