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This summer has been a busy time. We have still been eating of course but most of our meals have been very simple and repetitive with me just doing the basics in the kitchen each day/week. I’ll catch up you up on a few things that have been going on.
We have been spending alot of time working on the garden and it was looking very good until a hail storm a few weeks ago. Now it is limping along and I’m not sure how much it will produce. We’ve also been taking care of chickens and these little guys…
One day Joe went fishing with a friend and brought home three beautiful trout. He filleted them and I dredged them in a little flour and cooked them in coconut oil. They were amazing. We froze the bones and the heads for future broth.
>I enjoyed reading about what you have been doing. Love the picture of the ducks! They are so cute 🙂
>Thanks Stacy! The ducks are adorable and sometimes quite noisy.
>I would not have guessed that the lamb was lamb-after the picture of the trout, I assumed the meat was fish before reading on.
Thanks for labeling what must surely be obvious to others, but I am learning a ton from your daily life!