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Tuesday’s are the time that I recap what has been Twisting in my kitchen the previous week. Wardeh at gnowfglins is our wonderful hostess for this Carnival.

I’m a little low on pictures this week. I took a few but for some reason they all turned out blurry. So I’ll tell you about a delicious dinner we had on Sunday. Lamb Chops. I marinated them in the liquor from Spicy Lemons and a little rosemary. Then pan fried them. The pan drippings were turned into a sauce using kombucha as the liquid. The sauce was drizzled over the chops and small bites of Spicy Lemons put on top. OH MY! So good. I never really liked lamb until last summer. I had only had it a few times and always in restaurants. Then last summer I started cooking it at home. Now I love it.

This dinner was another success. It is a rather simple and frugal meal but very good. I used this recipe for Bread and Cheese Pudding. In addition to the shredded cheese called for in the recipe, at the end of the cooking time I dropped some Goat Cheese (I learned to make this in the Gnowfglins Fundamentals eCourse) on top, I put it back in the still warm oven (heat off) to melt the cheese a bit (but I didn’t want to heat it too much, so the goodness of the raw cheese would be preserved). The addition of the Goat Cheese turned this easy casserole style meal into something special. YUM.

What’s been Twisting in your kitchen? Visit Wardeh at gnowfglins for this week’s Tuesday Twister.

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