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For the month of August (my ‘month’ actually goes from July 23 to August 22 to coincide with my husband’s once a month pay schedule) my grocery budget is $550.00.

So far we had spent $323.51 of our allotted $550 for this month. Since then here is what we have added:

Beef CSA- $50 (This month I received 4 pounds of ground beef, a roast and 2 chuck steaks)

Farmers market (8/3)- $16.50

    • 2 really big handfuls of lettuce
  • 2 big bunches of beets


  • 2 pounds fresh dug (and delicious) red potatoes


  • Yellow squash


  • Swiss Chard


Grocery Store (two trips)- $34.48

    • 2 gallons milk (for yogurt and kefir)
  • Plain yogurt (for starter)


  • Soda


  • Cheesecake Sampler


  • 2 pounds butter


  • Grapes


  • Coffee


  • Avocado


  • Sour Cream


  • Onion


  • Pasta Sauce


  • Spaghetti


  • 2 gallons filtered water


  • Carrots


Date Night- $59.51 (have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE date night?)

Subway- $14 and some change (after church on the way to working on a project at a friend’s house)

Carry Out Burgers on a night when Joe and I were gone until 8 and I did not have dinner put together before we left- $28.94 (I really need to get a plan for nights like these. They are rare but irritate me immensely)

Farmers market (8/10)- $13

    • 3 pounds potatoes
  • 3 fresh dug onions


  • 2 bunches beets


Given to us from others gardens-$0

    • 2 giant zucchini
  • cilantro


  • yellow squash and little zucchini


Total from all: $216.43

Added to previous total ($323.51)= $539.94

WOWZERS. I still have about two weeks left in this month and a remaining budget of only $10.06. I am really wishing we would not have picked up those burgers that night. $10 is not much left and I know I need a few things in the next few days (like butter).

Do you have ’emergency meals’ for nights when you are away from home later than you expect? I could really use some good ideas for this.

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