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Thanksgiving Week! This year has gone by so fast. We will be staying home and having just the seven of us for Thanksgiving. Our plan is to eat around one o’clock in the afternoon. My daughter, Angel, has to work at 3:30AM on Black Friday so her plan is to go to bed around six. Eating dinner at one will give us time to relax before dessert.
B- Toast with peanut butter, apple slices
D- Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots
B-Soaked Oatmeal with blueberries
D- Cheeseburger soup, sourdough rolls
B- Fried eggs and toast, pear slices
D- Tilapia, buttered rice, broccoli casserole
B- Yogurt with fruit, toast
Thanksgiving Dinner– Traditional Brined Pastured Turkey, Garlic and Sour cream Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potato Puree (from Nourishing Traditions), Green Bean Casserole (actually a combination of the one Sarah made and the one she linked since we have no food allergies), Cranberry, Orange, Apple Relish, Dinner rolls, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Crisp
B- Baked Oatmeal
D- Smorgasbord
B- Baked Oatmeal (leftovers)
D- Turkey Soup
B- Toast with cinnamon cream cheese
L- Smorgasbord
D-Salmon fried in Red Palm Oil, rice pilaf, baked sweet potatoes
>Chicken tacos
spag w/ meatballs
french bread pizza
I get to work 11:45pm Thanksgiving night-7:45am Friday morning. I should get off in time to meet up with my MIL and SIL for Black Friday breakfast at IHOP and then crash. I will still get to put up my tree Friday night though like I usually do.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
>Chicken tacos. Yum.
Will the store be open during the shift you are working or are you stocking or something?
>TRU opens at midnight this year. They've always opened at 5am, they are trying out a midnight opening with specials from 12-1 and at 5. It will be busy and I'm sure I'll be beat afterwards, but it's $60 and my family will be sleeping that whole time anyhow. Plus I'm hoping it will be fun and the people will be in a good mood rather than crabby-I can hope right?
>Ok, here's one for you-chicken tacos, what would/do you use for spices for taco meat rather than the processed taco seasoning that I'm sure is full of salt? I've tried to cook it in just salsa and it's ok, but not nearly as tasty as the taco seasoning. Ideas?
>I've not really used those pre packaged taco seasonings so I can't really tell you if what I do tastes the same. But I just use chili powder, cayenne pepper, cumin, pepper and sea salt. Real easy on they cayenne for my kids but kind of heavy on the cumin because it is yummy. And of course you know I just shake it all on so I don't have measurements.
Working that shift might be fun. Maybe very 'festive'.