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Capsule Wardrobe is something I see on Pinterest quite often lately (maybe because I searched the term so Pinterest thinks I want to see it often?) but it wasn’t that long ago I was in the dark as to what a capsule was. Then my oldest girl told me all about this new approach to creating a wardrobe. Turns out it’s not really such a new idea after all!

I remember reading fashion magazines years ago about how to ‘buy 5 staple pieces to make the perfect wardrobe‘. Of course, the staple pieces in the article usually had a price point somewhere around the cost of my first car but that’s another story.

I do love the idea of a simple yet put together wardrobe. Truthfully my style (or lack thereof) needed some help about the time my girl and I had our Capsule Wardrobe chat.

I’d fallen in to a rut.

Working from home it’s easy to just hang out in pajamas pants or sweats all day — what I often refer to as my farm clothes. And I hate to admit that was my typical attire.  I knew I might need to rethink my wardrobe when my little boy became alarmed the day I exited the bedroom in jeans. He wondered where we were going! And let’s not even talk about what I’d do if say the UPS gal happened by or a neighbor stopped over.

That’s when I decided I needed to pay a little better attention to my daily clothing choices.

I didn’t have a problem with clothes that I could wear when we went to town but having something that was comfortable yet still looked good for work was where I was lacking. And even my ‘town clothes’ was a hodge-podge of items that didn’t coordinate like I would have liked.

A capsule seemed like a great idea.

Many capsule fans will have a wardrobe for each season.  I’m not such a fan that the idea of changing out my wardrobe four times a year had much appeal. For me a cold weather capsule and a warm weather capsule make the most sense.  So sometime around April and October I package up the out of season stuff and pull out the new season stuff. I also may buy a few new pieces then to round out the wardrobe.

I’ve just finished putting away my summer things.

Capsule Wardrobe: Cold Weather | Think working from home means hanging out in your PJ's all day? So did I. No longer! Check out my simple and comfortable work from home winter wardrobe. No more hiding behind the curtains when the UPS gal stops by. |

And here’s most of my winter stuff spread out on the bed.

Capsule Wardrobe: Cold Weather | Think working from home means hanging out in your PJ's all day? So did I. No longer! Check out my simple and comfortable work from home winter wardrobe. No more hiding behind the curtains when the UPS gal stops by. |

I still have a few pieces in our storage unit since I grabbed the wrong box the other day. Seems I have a second box labeled winter clothes  somewhere since the one I grabbed actually had ski stuff in it! Ski stuff does not count for the winter capsule. Most people also do not include work out clothes, pajamas, undies, jewelry and accessories. But you can if you wish.

My basic wardrobe is a little on the boring side.

I’m okay with boring.

My basic requirement is the clothes are comfortable for working in (lots of sitting) and not too frilly that if I need to run outside to take care of something on our little farm I can. While my closet does have a few dresses for special occasions I don’t wear dresses normally.

As you can see in the picture above I like black tops and blue tops. During the summer I wear less black and more greens and blues. The one blue top is really a summer top that I got this year but I like it so much I decided to keep it in my winter stuff and put a (black) turtleneck under it.  I do have one very fun shirt that I love!

Capsule Wardrobe: Cold Weather | Think working from home means hanging out in your PJ's all day? So did I. No longer! Check out my simple and comfortable work from home winter wardrobe. No more hiding behind the curtains when the UPS gal stops by. |

Of course cold weather means sweaters so I’ve got plenty of those. The sweaters are in the drawers in the picture up above. More neutral colors there. 🙂 Except I do have lovely red sweater that is more of a shirt (I wear it over a black shell) that I save for wearing out and about. It’s one that makes me happy.  I also have a few light jackets that are great for layering.

Many people limit the number of items in their capsule. I’ll often see articles like “37 Pieces to the Perfect Wardrobe“.  I have no idea how many pieces are in my wardrobe but do know I have 5 pair of pants. Straight-leg blue jeans, black ‘skinny’ jeans, black leggings, grey leggings and a very wild pair of red and blue leggings.

The wild leggings were a gift and at first I wasn’t too sure about them but then I put them on and they were the softest coziest things I’d ever wore. They look lovely with my multitude of black tops.

Capsule Wardrobe: Cold Weather | Think working from home means hanging out in your PJ's all day? So did I. No longer! Check out my simple and comfortable work from home winter wardrobe. No more hiding behind the curtains when the UPS gal stops by. |

My black tops often get a spruce up with a scarf not just for the ‘fashion’ aspect but also for the extra warmth. The Wyoming wind can be biting and even a fashion scarf can provide a little warmth.

Like so many women, I love shoes.

When I put away my summer shoes I was surprised to find 6 pair of sandals. There is considerably more room in my closet area now.  The picture up top shows my knee boots, ankle boots and my favorite pair of Sketchers. Not shown are my running shoes, Zumba shoes, old tennis shoes (for working around our place) 3 pair of snow boots (one for town, one for chores and one for extra), hiking boots and my fuzzy black slippers that I’m wearing daily right now.  I’m also shopping for the perfect pair of black flats to add to my collection.

Yes, shoes are a problem. Good thing we just added a new mud room to the house and we’re designing a shoe closet out there to store my shoes. Problem solved!

All this talk of a capsule and I do have to admit that sometimes I still wear sweats all day. I started jogging recently so put sweats on first thing thinking I’ll go for a jog but then something comes up and before I knew it, it’s supper time and I’m still in my sweats! I really need to set myself a time limit such as “if I haven’t jogged by 10 am go put clothes on.” Good thing we live in Wyoming where casual is not just expected, it’s encouraged.

Have you tried a Capsule Wardrobe? Does it work for you?




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