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EggsWe’re celebrating! With the longer days the chickens and ducks have started laying again. We’re getting between 10 and 12 eggs a day which means I’ll be planning meals using eggs. After this long winter of almost no eggs, we’re pretty excited.

This week I’m trying lentils.  I started an elimination diet back in December that eliminated grains and legumes (and a few other things). A few weeks ago I added back in white beans and I’m now ready for lentils. In fact, most of the family is ready for lentils. Joe actually commented that he misses beans which was a surprise. A few winters ago we ate way to many beans so I figured he’d be happy to not be seeing beans on the menu. I’ve planned lentils for two nights this week. Once night I’ll use them soaked in a delicious soup, the second night they’ll be sprouted and turned into patties. Lamb is also on this week’s menu. I don’t have a farm source for lamb so it’s not something we have often.  I do keep an eye on the organic section in Albertsons and when the lamb goes on mark down (anywhere from $1 to $3 off a package) I buy it and stash it in the freezer.  It took me several trips to accumulate enough lamb chops to make a meal for us but with the markdown each chop ended up being just a couple of bucks.  I also buy lamb neck for soups in this same way. Someday I hope to have a farm source (or we might raise our own) but this works okay for now.


Sunday – Chipolte chicken thighs, mashed potatoes, sauteed cabbage

Monday – Crustless Quiche (something like this, using kale instead of spinach), green salad

Tuesday – Garam Masala Lentil Soup with Coconut Milk, almond bread

Wednesday –  Lamb chops, mashed cauliflower, brussel sprouts

Thursday – Sprouted lentil patties with Tahini dressing, sweet potato fries

Friday – Clam chowder

Saturday – leftovers

What’s on your menu?

Shared at Menu Plan Monday

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