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It is getting late on Tuesday but I still want to get in my Tuesday Twister. Each week, Wardeh at gnowfglins holds the Tuesday Twister Blog Carnival. I love seeing what people have been working on in other real food kitchens.
This week, I made a double batch of my usual Sourdough Bread which would be six loaves. But instead of using it all for regular bread, I took out some of it for dinner rolls and then some of it for something resembling Empanadas.

I took a little more dough out and made Hamburger Buns for our Sloppy Joe’s (I still ended up with three traditional loaves of bread). The Joe part was very good but the buns did not rise at all and were too spongy. I think I will try them again and see if it was just a fluke or if I can’t use my bread dough for buns. The Oven Baked French Fries were a huge hit.
I started a Ginger Bug. I used these instructionsfrom Annette at Sustainable Eats. My ‘bug’ took a few days to get fizzy but when it did, I started 2 half gallons of soda. My bug hangs out on the top of the fridge, it seems I am running out of space for all of my kitchen experiments! Maybe I need a bigger kitchen…
This post is a contribution to Tuesday Twisterat Gnowfglins
>I love this post and your ideas. About the hamburger buns.. I have never yet used my sourdough to make them, but I think if I do I would not make them 100% whole wheat. I know my sourdough bread tends to be pretty dense – I like it that way, but not for buns, maybe. Anyway ~ I just wanted to mention that when I make ROLLS, I let the raise more in the last rising, as their surface area is smaller and so they can proof longer and the rolls are lighter. It might be worth experimenting with different amounts of rise.
>Hi Yolanda,
The different rise is a good idea. I'll try that next time.
>Howdy Millie!! Hope y'all are doing well (I know you're busy … I stink at commenting, but I read every post).
Jason and I are making the steps to get the junk out of the house … getting back to real food … and sticking with it. So I've REALLY been enjoying the inspiration I get on your posts here.
I must say, I've never heard of Ginger Bug. Reading up on it now and I must say AWESOME! This is something I'll most likely try as soon as I can find some decent looking fresh ginger at the grocery store here!!
Tomorrow's supposed to be grocery shopping day here … and I haven't the foggiest what I'm gonna be cooking next week. I'm thinking I need to break out Nourishing Traditions, scour some Real Food blogs, and come up with a plan before I go. Might even try my hand at fermenting something.
>Hi Brandy!
How have you been? I'm sure you are staying busy too 🙂 I have to say that I am enjoying this spring in Wyoming. You never know what the weather will be from day to day. Hot one, rain next. Keeps things interesting.
We each had a glass of the Ginger Soda last night. It was very good. Joe and I tasted the Kumquat and it was even better. I'm going to start another gallon going today. I can not believe how fizzy it turned out. The most 'difficult' part of making the soda is remembering to feed the Ginger Bug. Oh, and the waiting time from start to finish. 🙂
>We're doing just fine here, Millie. Gabriella is just dying to start 2nd grade, so we decided to go ahead and get her started on it early (again this year), beginning Monday.
Oh GOSH tell me about it. But it seems the weather is milder this year than it was last … for that I'm thankful. We don't have an A/C, but we recently purchased an air cooler (won't freeze us out, but it'll cool everything down 8-12 degrees … and it's only 60watts!), so having it cooler outside is a really good thing for us LOL. We're having a REAL hard time keeping the yard cut, though … with all the rain it's growing fast … then you have to wait a day or two for everything to dry out only to have it rain again LOL
I told Jason about the Ginger Bug and we're both very interested, so I'll be giving it a try for sure. I'll have Jason take a look at the ginger root before he leaves work in the morning tomorrow. See if there's any good looking ones there. He'll be picking me up a small container of yogurt anyway, so I can make some homemade yogurt overnight tomorrow (Hannah has become a HUGE yogurt eater … so it'll be cheaper and healthier to make it again!).
I also acquired a Kombucha scoby (for just shipping costs) … so as soon as it gets here, I'll be able to give that a try again. AAAAAAND Michaela's gonna be sending me some more water kefir grains so I can give that a try again (hopefully I don't kill them this time LOL).
Next on my list? Giving sourdough a go again. I've never been able to make it so that me or the girls like it … but I've been reading up on it, so I think I can do it this time.
Gosh, it'll be good to be busy in the kitchen again 😀