GAPS and Us

> The 30 Days GAPS Introduction Challenge hosted by Cara at Health, Home & Happiness ended the last of October. For the most part, Joe and I really enjoyed the challenge. It has made me very much aware of how different foods affect me both physically and...

Real Food and Me

I was driving in to work this morning (at 5:30AM) and thinking about a blog post that I wanted to share. Kind of an update on why we continue to stick with real/whole/traditional foods. Funny thing, when I came home and had time to check my reader for today’s...

Menu Week of May 2

I have been reading the book Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. After watching Food, Inc a few times and reading this book I’m to the point of wondering what, if anything, we should be purchasing to eat from large commercial sources. I love what Annette at...

January Food- Final Take

In the month of January we tried to eat out of our freezer and pantry. Grocery shopping was usually picking up fresh produce, milk and other staples that we ran out of and I decided we couldn’t live without. In January, we did not get our beef CSA that we...

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